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default: "dj_ninja_auth.registration.schema.CreateUserSchema"

type: str

description: A dotted module path to the schema required to create a new user. Contains username, password1 and password2. If allauth is enabled and the allauth.settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED is enabled, then the email field will also appear.


default: "dj_ninja_auth.registration.schema.UpdateUserSchema"

type: str

description: A dotted module path to the schema required to update the fields of a user. Contains first_name and last_name by default.


default: "dj_ninja_auth.registration.schema.VerifyEmailSchema"

type: str

description: A dotted module path to the schema required to confirm a user's email address. Contains key by default.


default: "dj_ninja_auth.registration.schema.ResendEmailSchema"

type: str

description: A dotted module path to the schema required to resend a verification email to the user. Contains email by default.


default: None

type: str

description: REQUIRED if allauth enabled The URL the user is redirected to in order to confirm their account before proceeding to log in.